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Throughout history, individuals from Zen Buddhist monks to nobility and samurai warriors have sought to achieve success with focus and serenity. Even in modern times, this pursuit remains relevant as we seek more serene ways to strive for our best work amidst an abundance of distractions. Tea ceremonies have always been a way to help us focus on what truly matters, the things bring us honor and purpose, and quiet down the noise so we can listen to our own thoughts. This raises us up to a higher frequency of living, allowing us to achieve more than we are told we can.


The daily high frequency matcha tea is not just a beverage, it's a moment to conduct your own tea ceremony, to meditate on your day, and to gain clarity in your thoughts. Just like the Samurais and Zen Buddhist monks had matcha tea ceremonies for energy and mental serenity during long battles and meditation sessions, you too can benefit from the calming and energizing effects of matcha tea. 

It sounds like you're interested in the potential benefits of incorporating a daily matcha tea ceremony and discipline for mental clarity, energy, and focus. By doing so, you may experience an improvement in your mood and energy levels without sacrificing sleep. This practice can also carry the honor and of nobility, monks, and samurais, allowing you to tap into a new frequency of living. Overall, this could lead to a more fulfilling and productive life.

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 High frequency Matcha is Grown and processed in Kyoto prefecture and distributed from Perth Western Australia 

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